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June 21, 2016 - No Comments!

Press clips

Some of what the press has said about me and my work. First, the ones in English:

• "It all started when I was a kid", an interview for Calligraphy Masters.
• Another interview for Korero Press.

And some more stuff in Spanish:

• Let's start with a video interview for Monográ magazine.

• In Domestika they've published a couple of interviews. You can read this one from 2014 or this one, more recent, and includes a playlist!
Yorokobu has also published recently an article on what I do.
• Many design blogs have also published articles on my work, among them Nice Fucking Graphics!, Gràffica, Unos Tipos Duros, Macho Dominante or the blog of the ESI.
• Some more texts for a more generalist press, like this interview for Kaotiko (feat. Astro the dog), another one for Imborrable, and an article published in Heraldo de Soria.
• You can download also the first issue of the Muster magazine, a really cool digital magazine including an extended interview.

Not exactly press, but you can also watch a couple of lectures. First one is in MAD 2014. Relax and take a comfortable seat: it's almost two hours.

And here you have the lecture I gave at Blanc 2014.

Published by: Ivan Castro in Uncategorized

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